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Title: Якість вищої освіти: європейський вимір
Other Titles: Качество высшего образования: европейское измерение
Quality of higher education: a European dimension
Authors: Клімова, Г.П.
Keywords: вища освіта
якість вищої освіти
європейський освітній простір
забезпечення якості вищої освіти
система оцінки якості вищої освіти
высшее образование
качество высшего образования
европейское образовательное пространство
обеспечение качества высшего образования
система оценки качества высшего образования
higher education
quality of higher education
European educational space quality
assurance of higher education quality
assessment system of higher education
Issue Date: 2016
Citation: Клімова Г. П. Якість вищої освіти: європейський вимір / Г. П. Клімова // Вісник Національного університету «Юридична академія України імені Ярослава Мудрого». Серія: Філософія. – Харків, 2016. – № 1. – С. 203–210.
Abstract: У статті представлені різні підходи до визначення поняття «якість вищої освіти». Особлива увага приділяється аналізу системи гарантій якості вищої освіти в умовах реалізації Болонського процесу. Розглядаються узгоджені на європейському рівні відповідно до вимог Болонської декларації стандарти і процедури оцінки якості вищої освіти.
В статье представлены различные подходы к определению понятия «качество высшего образования». Особое внимание уделяется анализу системы гарантий качества высшего образования в условиях реализации Болонского процесса. Рассматриваются согласованные на европейском уровне в соответствии с требованиями Болонской декларации стандарты и процедуры оценки качества высшего образования.
Description: The article presents the different approaches to the definition of «quality of higher education». Particular attention is paid to the analysis of quality guarantee system of higher education in the Bologna process. We consider the agreed at the European level, in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Declaration standards and procedures for assessing the quality of higher education. The term «quality» is multidimensional in nature depending on the object and the industry in question. As for higher education, it has different meanings depending on: – The requirements of parties interested in the activities of institutions: government, employers, students, faculty members; – The quality of the academic sector, which should be evaluated; – From the historical period in the development of higher education. That is why the concept of «quality of higher education» has various interpretations. The project UNESCO-CEPES «Strategic indicators of higher education in the XXI century» are the following basic approaches to the determination of the quality of higher education: 1. Quality of higher education as supremacy (high complexity of the program, students testing procedures, image universities not only at national but also at international level); 2. Quality as compliance with stated objectives (compliance with generally accepted standards specified akredetatsiynym body, with a focus on results achieved educational process or curriculum); 3. Quality as customer satisfaction (excuse expectations – students, parents, society and other stakeholders); 4. Quality as a synonym for improvement (process aimed at continuous improvement, development institutions liable for better use of its institutional autonomy and freedom). It should be noted that each of the approaches has its advantages and limitations, depending on the particular stage of development of higher education, national identity perception, requirements imposed labor market. At the same time, elements integrating different approaches to the definition of quality in higher education is guaranteed by the requirements of educational standards and implementation process of benchmarking; ability to set clear objectives in accordance with requirements of time and achieve them; ability to meet the requirements of customers and other stakeholders; constant movement to improve. The European Commission has proposed a «five steps to ensure the quality». They include: 1) establishment of all institutions of higher education internal quality assurance systems; 2) the emergence of independent accreditation agencies for quality assurance; 3) inclusion of national agencies in the European Register of accreditation agencies to ensure quality and to determine the conditions of registration; 4) the opportunity for higher education institutions to choose an agency from the register which meets their profile and needs; 5) adoption of evaluation agency official register as the basis for decisions on licensing and funding, including the right to grants for students. At the anniversary meeting of ministers responsible for higher education in the European countries participating in the Bologna Process, March 11, 2010 in Budapest (Hungary) have been declared the main principles of quality assurance systems of higher education: – Higher education institutions have the primary responsibility for quality in higher education; – All forms and quality assurance procedures must be focused on further improving the quality of education; – The diversity of approaches is welcome, if applicable principles common to all evaluation and quality assurance; – All participants in the educational process and especially the students take part in work of procedures and quality assurance; – Quality assurance agency independent. Thus, in terms of integration of national educational systems into Europe member countries of the Bologna process created a unified system of quality assurance and developed the only criteria for its evaluation. Thus they laid the basis for the formation and strengthening of the single European Higher Education, to enhance credibility. It is essential for enhancing academic mobility and increase employment of graduates of European universities.
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